Awesome request "playlist"

The latest Daslight version

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Awesome request "playlist"

Post by Sanman »

I have many times thought during live shows that it would be awesome to have a "playlist" or "cue boxes"( not sure whats the real name ).

But the idea would be that there is 2-4( at least 3 would be good) boxes where you could click(+ctrl etc), drag and drop the scenes. ( or if its too hard to program, then just that you could right click the scene and select it to some box. You then activate one of these boxes by clicking them, by hot key, midi or dmx... So all of these programs/scenes would activate at the same and you could during that show make the next box ready for next song/show.

I know there is kinda tricky way to do it, cause now you can blind the dmx on editor, but its very risky and not good way to do it.

So I would be super happy if it would be possible to have these awesome feature.

Other request:

-During the show you can test your scene on virtual 3D screen. (sometimes there's so many scenes that its hard to name them that you could remember them anymore during the show....) You could block that the scenes played would not show on the 3d screen.

-Fixtures would be turned on or even better that they would be how they are saved. So when you restart the program that you dont have to turn all fixtures on and the midi, dmx and remote app would work right away with out those clicks!
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Post by simonB »

it would be awesome to have a "playlist"

This feature is available in our Sunlite Suite 2 software and is called a 'Cycle'. You can drag and drop scenes into a cycle, change the times, view as a list or a timeline, sync with MIDI time code etc...We're not currently planning on integrating this into DVC

-During the show you can test your scene on virtual 3D screen

This won't be possible as the main DMX signal comes out of DVC and then into the virtual 3D simulator. Unfortunately this small feature would involve a complete rewrite of the 3D communication.

Fixtures would be turned on or even better that they would be how they are saved

Do you mean the possibility to save the live fixture selection with the show? I think we can add this
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Location: Finland

Post by Sanman »


Does the DVC interface work normaly with the sunsuite software?
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Post by simonB »

No. You need a Sunlite Suite 2 interface to use Sunlite Suite 2. Cross-grade options are available, e-mail your serial number for more info.
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