Request: sync Superscenes via MIDI

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Request: sync Superscenes via MIDI

Post by DerRobert »


I want to program lights to a song (audio) for preparation.
But it shall be played live, so the BPM or time could happen to not be "in time" of the audio file as there are for example ritartandos that always depend on the conductor's mood.

So it makes no sense to set BPM once.
Setting the BPM whilst playing is often not possible since it needs at least 2 beats.
Ideal would be the prepared Super Scene that runs in BPM as programmed BUT until for example an input from a MIDI-Drum where I can place a hit in the middle of playing the song.
Then it shall act like STEP FX (but with scenes - so switch to the next scene) but like programmed in prep. with fades etc. and only listening for my next MIDI Signal until I give it a Signal "now play along BPM again" via a second drum for example.

Maybe there could be a track where I can set what the SuperScene is listening to (audio / BPM / MIDI input)

Do you know what I mean?
Maybe that is already possible and I don't know it?

Maybe Superscene is not made for this, but then I need another possibility to blend 2 scenes when triggered by MIDI...
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Re: Request: sync Superscenes via MIDI

Post by S.lellwitz »

Posts: 21
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Re: Request: sync Superscenes via MIDI

Post by DerRobert »

an how should that work in superscenes where time is king instead of BPM (so the time you set in the step scene is ignored)?
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