Daslight for installation questions

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Daslight for installation questions

Post by naleyjanhelge »


I am looking to maybe use Daslight 5 for some installations but I have some questions.

So I want it set up so that when you start the computer it will auto-start Daslight 5 (Easy thing to do)

However, I would like it to start in the "Touch" tab and for it to be full-screen. I only want the users to have access and see the touch panel I have created for them. I don´t want them to see any close buttons or anything. I am going to hide the windows task bar also.

Also when you close Daslight 5 there should be a confirmation pop-up as it is way too easy to close it now.
Looking forward to hearing some info about this use case or similar use cases.
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Joined: Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:11 pm
Operating System: Windows

Re: Daslight for installation questions

Post by naleyjanhelge »


So I see the new full-screen option in the latest Beta (5.0.3) and I really like that.
Question is now how do I start Daslight 5 with my showfile in fullscreen and also locked.
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Joined: Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:19 pm

Re: Daslight for installation questions

Post by willm »


It is possible to use the 'Load last file' option from within the Settings screen. This will always load the last file when starting up the software.

You can also lock the software by pressing the Lock symbol at the top right corner of the software, and select which screens you want locked (in this case, you will likely want to select all 3 options). Once the software is locked, it will remain locked whenever you open the software.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,
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