Suggestion... well, more begging than suggesting :

The previous Daslight version

Moderators: TomHat, simonB

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Suggestion... well, more begging than suggesting :

Post by cobalt2 »

Please please please , pretty please !

I use the jump window to make macro buttons, and I use it a lot... I make 4 to 6 jump buttons for each song of a spectacles, up to 8 for some songs... 30 songs in average per show... I let you make the total...

Please, could you make the window REMEMBER the way I resized and placed it the last time I used it ?
I have to resize the said window so many times, I lost count...

Plus, if I resize it verticaly, it would be nice if the "groups/scenes" list populated the space on the right, so instead of scrolling all the way down to find something, I have everything in sight. If it exceeds said space, I can still scroll, but not all the time for every selection I need.

Plus : the groups are collapsable. You can hide de scenes it contains. If the window could remember the last setting of the collapses and not open everything at each opening of the window, would be great.

To sum up : The jump window should remember the way I want it to open and display infos, which should populate all the space available....

I know I have asked for that a trillion time, but I am still hopping ;)

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Re: Suggestion... well, more begging than suggesting :

Post by TomHat »


I'm raising it in our list of fixes planned for future versions. Can't promise it'll come before a while, but it will come.

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