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Midi freeze up?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:13 pm
by SFX Events

I have a Behringer BCF2000 midi unit i use to control Daslight 2, letest version.

I was at an event using the two together for the first time when i came accross a problem in live mode.

I set up all the scene's and all is good. I asign the live buttons to buttons on my BCF2000, still all good. Suddenly the BCF will stop talking to daslight, the faders stop moving and no live effects chnage until i click on them with a mouse or my touch screen.

The BCF is fine, motor faders still move as they should, skips pages ect. Daslight works fine also through manual control.

Why do they stop talking to eachother?? It did cross my mind maybe when on live mode i moved a fader a bit, causing some sort of conflict but i really cna't see how this could be the issue, surely you can edit a live out by adjusting the fader on the fly??

ANY help would be great news to my ears, thanks in advance!

Part solved, but not 100%

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:22 pm
by SFX Events
OK, so with a few setting changed on the BCF 2000 i stop the connection issue - HOWEVER ....

I have noticed when i use live all is well and good. I then want to change a live effect on the fly, lets say i have a live moving head scene going and i want to add in some pars. So i scroll on my BCF to page 1 where my par controls are. Fade up the master and lets say red. All works fine.

I then go back to live and press a button for say a par chase, NOTHING HAPPENS, the live button activates but no light from the pars and no faders moving on screen??

It is as if by touching the pars faders the program freezes on these units and stops sending any signal to them...... I can't get my head round it at all.

I have even tried setting the faders back to all '0' as they were beofre, but still no output to my pars...... Only way to get them working again is a restart of the software, a real mess when on a live show!!


Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:33 am
by Richard CSL
locking up of the software the way you describe has occured to me , but only when the patch is corrupted.
just as an exercise open a new instance of DVC (ie blank) then import all your scenes from your current program,

assign midi to your scenes and see if that works properly. if it does then you need to recreate your patch in this new file.

hope this helps . let us know how you get on

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:32 pm
by Nevsie
->Joe: Did this work with a new patch?