Daslight Version - Changelog

The new Daslight - for PC and Mac

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Daslight Version - Changelog

Post by willm »


Mac: Daslight5.dmg
Windows: Daslight5.exe

- Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when using effect beam Fx
- Fixed a crash that occurred when drag & drop scene in stand alone window
- Fixed an issue with multibeam with general Dimmer
- Fixed an issue when writing static scene into Siudi 9
- Fixed an issue with Step selection with shift + up/down arrow
- Fixed an issue when duplicating a touch page
- Fixed an issue when mapping extra colours channel in 'Colour features'
- Fixed an issue with data feedback with OSC mapping
- Fixed an issue with the focus on some windows which causes problem on keyboard mapping
- Global/Bank pause stop the audio plays in superscene
- Stop the audio plays when suprescene reach the end
- Fixed a regression with MIDI mappings settings
- Minor graphic bugs

New features and Improvements:
- Improved lock window feature
- Improved feedback data for touch control
- Manage ID beam selection with fan