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Updated from 5.0.2 to now movements do not work

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:58 am
by richardc1983
Updated the software as above, got to a gig last week and it asked me to update, should have declined the update.

It broke all my movements that are stored so my moving heads would not move. Even tried to create a new movement using the FX generator, nothing. The heads moved a slight bit but that’s it. Ended up having to use backup laptop that had the 5.0.2 version on still.

Really frustrating me now this software, the money spent on it but we are very much the guinea pigs. Fix one thing break another major feature of the software. Causing no end of stress on gigs when something doesn’t work.

Any idea what’s happened.

Re: Updated from 5.0.2 to now movements do not work

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 5:42 pm
by DJMan32

Re: Updated from 5.0.2 to now movements do not work

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:32 am
by richardc1983
DJMan32 wrote:+1

I've had this response from Daslight via email, I've not managed to try it yet but they said in the previous version this pause feature was not restored correctly. They have corrected this in the latest release which means pause is enabled by default upon updating.

"the bank with the movements in has the pause enabled. You can disable it and all will work."