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Unmanaged thoughts........Pixels

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:16 pm
by DJMan32
soooooooooooo.... I've been thinking

Scary.... I Know......

I've used alot of dmx pixel lights in my days..... but i have an issue.....

tis that time of year, setting up light shows for houses, and my house

I use xlights with fpp and wled nodes..... super cheap

I already have a light controller, specifically a dmx and artnet controller

I've had this problem before with like a team of freedom sticks maxing out a universe with no problem so one of my led strips for my house easy maxes out a 512 universe without getting half way through half the strip. I would be willing to pay extra money to add Pixel support to daslight so I don't have to use x lights anymore. AND i can add pixels to my existing light shows in greater quantities.

which leads me to another issue daslight has 21 effects under color mapping and dimmer mapping. can we see maybe an increased number of these in the future? and increased customizability? look at the amount of effects something like xlights has then go through his settings on each effect, its effectively endless. would like to see that in daslight.