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flowless to other scene

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 10:35 pm

Programming some things and noticed that when i click a new scene the movingheads sweap to the zero point and than start
a new movement. is it possible to flowless bring them to the next clicked scene?


Re: flowless to other scene

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 5:16 pm
by Ksel
Hi Masaka

when i click a new scene the moving heads sweep to the zero point and than start
a new movement
Yes it is possible, do remember there is an order to generating your scenes and that will affect the transitions between them. I recommend using the fade in fade out times in EDIT mode. Then click the fade in button in LIVE mode ( please see attached images) . Doing this creates a smooth movement in between scenes with the moving heads.

Let me know if this works and thank you for choosing Daslight.

Best Regards