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Moving the light positions?????

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:28 pm
by colmrs
I'm building the set of my school and when i came to add the lights i found that I couldn't move then.
When I click on then them they turn green not red like the rest of the stage.

Also When I go to put Objects in different Layers it says "Not available in limited mode" is this because I haven't bought the software?

Thanks :D

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:12 pm
by Andre
About the "Limited Mode", if you have an interface that entitles you to "FULL MODE" then ensure you have it connected before starting the program as it checks the interface and enables "FULL MODE" if allowed otehrwise it will be in "ECO MODE" same as if no interface connected.

It certainly is not because you have not bought the software. The software is free and un-restricted. Just no DMX output without buying one of the Daslight interfaces.

As for the objects turning green, I have never seen that.
They do turn yellow (3D view) when you select them and move them using the mouse. Release the mouse button and it turn red to show it's selected.

In contruction mode the 2D views show everything in green but the selected object(s) in red. In the 3D view selected object9s) appear red with green lines to show the x,y,z planes. As can be seen in the screen shot below. This was done without an interface connected.

Are you selecting you lights in the 3D view ? If not try that. You can also select the objects in the listing view (top right pane in above picture).

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:58 pm
by colmrs
hello thank for the fast reply!

hank for the advise on eco mode and here is the green light:
it happens for all of them:

hope this helps :?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:20 pm
by Andre
Sorry, I cannot suggest what to do, I cannot get the fixtures into green at all.

Maybe un-install and re-install. All your shows will be safe.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:53 pm
by colmrs
I have tried this to no avail any more suggestions????

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:32 am
by gazthechav
Have you tried selecting the fixture from the fixture list individually (from the fixture list in the top left hand payne of the left screen?


Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:24 pm
by Andre
I have just noticed that that you are not getting any values in the "location" pane.

I see you have patched 50 fixtures of the same type, has you school really got 50 moving heads ?
What are they and how many channels each ?

I have just patched 50 High End Studio Spot 575 CMY ZOOM that spanned over 3 universes and I was still able to select and move fixtures around.

Could you ensure that where you are saving you show etc. is not write protected.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:23 pm
by colmrs
no my school dosent i wanted to have a play, but this happens whatever light i put in. it happens ive tried with pars and martins...

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:15 am
by Richard CSL
I have an idea why the screen looks like this.

It may be that the lights have been added from within the 3D visualiser and not from an external program. hence no attributes , hence the green colour.

The lights need to be added in DVC2 or 1 to appear on the fixtures list with attributes.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 11:20 am
by Richard CSL
ok just seen that you have set up the lights in DVC,

_As you dont have any real lights it looks time to start with a fresh project, and this time start with fewer lights.

Also I suggest running the manufacture supplied demo first so you get to see how the whole system works. then you can edit and play with it to familiarise youself with the functions.

good luck.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:20 pm
by colmrs
hi yer i just started again but i did find out that the objects turn green when you fix them in a place

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:19 pm
by simonB
The obejcts are green when the layer is locked. Unlock the layer. You are only allowed up to 2 layers in limited mode. This can cause problems if you create multiple layers in full mode and then re-open them in limited mode. Full mode is compatible with the following interfaces connected:

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 5:31 pm
by Andre
simonB wrote:The obejcts are green when the layer is locked. Unlock the layer. You are only allowed up to 2 layers in limited mode. This can cause problems if you create multiple layers in full mode and then re-open them in limited mode. Full mode is compatible with the following interfaces connected:

When you say compatible, what do you mean ? Only available with those products ? or something else ?

As it always stars in ECO Mode and I always have to turn FULL Mode on and I have a DVC2 Gold.

Hah, the old locked layer. Never even tried that so that is something new I have learnt, thank you.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:49 pm
by simonB
As it always stars in ECO Mode and I always have to turn FULL Mode on and I have a DVC2 Gold.

That's strange. This should be automatic. Could you tell me how you go about doing this? (in a PM please)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:26 pm
by Andre
simonB wrote:
As it always stars in ECO Mode and I always have to turn FULL Mode on and I have a DVC2 Gold.

That's strange. This should be automatic. Could you tell me how you go about doing this? (in a PM please)

Yeah I will tell you in a PM and it has been posted on this forum quite a bit, so you might want to remove those posts if it is something people are not supposed to know. I was shown this by Vianney at Plasa 2006 when DVC2 first came out and I was helping out on the Daslight stand.