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Invert Zoom-Channel

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 6:42 pm
by mheidler
Is there any posibility to invert the zoom-channel of a fixture?
My Movighead has a large spot by DMX-Level of 0 and zooms to small if I increase the level up to 255.
Thats a problem, because I use the 3D-Visualizer to program my shows offline.

Thank you,

Re: Invert Zoom-Channel

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 8:18 am
by TomHat

Sadly it is only possible to invert Pan/Tilt DMX channels. Although if the values are shown backwards, maybe the fixture profile was not created properly and one needs to edit it using the ScanLibrary Editor tool (installed with Daslight4)

Hope this helps.


Re: Invert Zoom-Channel

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2021 10:49 am
by mheidler
Hello TomHat,

thank you for your answer.
I can't find any posibilyty to fix that problem in the ScanLibrary Editor. It ist not posible to invert it here. DMX 0 is everytime a small beam and 255 a large one.

Scanlibrary Editor and 3D Simulation works fine, the best way woud be, that the Manufactor of the MovinHead woud fix that problem in the Firmware of the MH. Normaly a DMX Level of 0 should show a small beam, andd 255 a large one and not vice verse.
