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Can I Patch the channels with dimmers?

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:08 pm
by patratelh
I work at the theatre with a console Strandlighting GSX and 60 dimmers. When I go to the other theatre, I take my GSX with me , and after I finished to arrange the projectors, I make the patch between the channels and dimmers. After that, everythink works like home. Is verry usefull when I have manny memories and I am short with time (allways). Can I do this (patch the channels with dimmers) with SIUDI 5A and Virtual controller 2?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:49 pm
by nick

When you map (patch) your midi controls to faders (dimmers) they should all be saved in the .dvc show file. The next time you load the show on another PC, the mappings should still exist.

You can set-up maps using the Tools > Shortcuts

Also, on the Live tab, you can right click on a scene to turn Turn Speed on and then set a Speed Midi Link to alter the speed of your scene playing.

Please let me know how you get on.

Kind Regards,
