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Gradually move DMX fader automatically?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:30 am
by Hendrik
Hi Daslight users.

I have a very basic simple question, but somehow I am not experienced enough to get this job done.

I want a dmx channel from my laser fixture to gradually move in a certain time (let's say 5 seconds) from value 157 to value 204.

1) I tried accomplish this with the steps, but this take forever as it involves about 47 steps.
2) I tried the effect generator, but it almost impossible to get a sinus or other figure to transform the value from exactly 157 to 204.

Looks like I'm missing something here. There must be an easier way to accomplish this.

Looking forward to your replies...

Best regards,


Re: Gradually move DMX fader automatically?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2023 5:45 pm
by jp35
salut Hendrik !

en faisant tout simplement deux scènes , une au départ avec les valeurs 157 de ton canal choisi et une deuxième scène ( copiée/collée ) où ce canal sera sur 204 et en adaptant bien sur un temps de fader !
ça devrait fonctionner sauf si j'ai mal compris ! :wink:

Re: Gradually move DMX fader automatically?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2023 1:12 pm
by phoeniX
Hello Henrik,

could it be as simple as creating a scene with two steps, containing the desired values, and setting the fade time of these steps to the amount you are looking for?
Unfortunately I don't know if the previous post answered your question since I don't speak French, so apologies if this is old news to you ;)


Re: Gradually move DMX fader automatically?

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:21 am
by ninedevelop
Ensuite, créez une scène avec les valeurs du canal que vous choisissez collées en haut, puis faites une copie de cette scè random