Timeline in D5 don`t affect scene properties

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Timeline in D5 don`t affect scene properties

Post by Lighter69 »

Hey there,

I`ve found an really problematic issue on the Timeline (Super Scene).
This addon, is very powerful and could be a big win! :D
But, I`ve found out, that the Timeline don`t affect, the scene properties.

For example, using a rainbow FX on the lights. (Playing forward from left to right) insert scene to the Timeline all fine!
Making another scene with the same FX but playing backward from right to left. Insert scene to super scene, the effect goes Forward and don`t affect, backward.

Please implement, properties and maybe for future updates, to using "Touch" Mappings in the Timeline as an "automation" point too. That would be so amazing and a big gamechanger! :)

kindest regards
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Re: Timeline in D5 don`t affect scene properties

Post by Raptor82 »


I allow myself to add, when you have a scene with a speed greater or less than 1 and you import it into a timeline, the timelime runs the scene by default at x1 speed, and it is impossible to modify the speed in the timeline, and this is problematic.

For my part, I was running my scenes on D4 with different speeds via midi faders, today, even if the timeline greatly simplifies automation and the execution of effects, it remains for me limited in functionality without the speed control of imported scenes ....
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