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Read a scene in reverse

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:39 pm
by Gregory_D
Hi everyone !

Not sure there is a workaround for that or if it's actually not possible, but i was looking for reading a scene in reverse.

Many times it would be very helpful and handy to be able to read a scene in reverse. I mean reading it from last step to the first one in opposite direction instead of reading steps from 1rst to last.
I mean instead of reading step 1, then step 2, step 3 etc... It will read step 3, then step 2, step 1
Working also with loop mode in scene.

Some examples :
- in a movement scene with moving heads, if fixtures are turning clockwise, reverse the reading of the scene, fixtures would spin anti-clockwise.
- in simple chaser scene, this would reverse the lighting order of fixtures.

All this to say it would avoid to create all situations, all possibilities creating a number of scenes, when you know you can do it faster and easier just reading reverse the already existing scene, with a simple button "read in reverse" on it.

Is it possible please ? Is there a way to read in reverse a scene in Live mode ? Just clicking an option on the concerning scenes would be great !
GREG from France.

Re: Read a scene in reverse

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 3:49 pm
by TomHat

Sadly, this option doesn't exist in Daslight4... We'll take it in consideration for future versions of Daslight.


Re: Read a scene in reverse

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:03 pm
by Gregory_D
Ok, thanks for your answer, sad :-(

A number of things are for the next version it seems. In parentheses, I have to buy another new Daslight interface in the coming year, and hope it will be compatible with the new Daslight 5 coming (coming soon or ?) !

Anyway, so if it's not possible to play a scene reverse in Live mode for now, is there an easy way to invert the order of steps from a scene in Edit mode ? I mean instead of doing one by one by drag and drop (which is really rough and long) ?

Re: Read a scene in reverse

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:42 pm
by TomHat

As I said, it will be "considered" for next version, as will a lot of other features be. We take our customers' request very seriously and have now a long list of features our customers have found missing from Daslight4. We'll make sure to implement as many of them as possible in next version.

We do not have any set date for next version of Daslight, yet.

You could drag-drop steps within your scene to swap them all if you like. This feature already exists.

I hope I could answered all your questions and wish you a great day.

Re: Read a scene in reverse

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:47 pm
by Gregory_D
Ok thanks again for your answers Tom ! Much appreciated.