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combining trus to 1 device

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:37 am
by marc

Being a bit new in stage design i wonder if i miss some helpfull things in the software...
I have to create a squaire trus construction.
Are there some tricks to 'glue' these different bars and corners to 1 construction without trying to get the exact measurements to fix them.
Now it takes me a lot of time to get them all in line and at the right possition (Could be me ofcourse...)

And how can i 'group' devices or constructions to move them around my stage. (Now i use CTRL to select them but how can i keep this groups?)


Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:52 pm
by Andre
There is no "snap" to feature in the visualiser so you need to move them around and align them yourself. Use the information supplied to you about the position(s) and size of the truss etc to be able to type in the appropriate postion(s).


The above image shows the X,Y & Z position(s) of the selected piece of truss. And is on the "Location" tab.


The above image shows the "Size" tab so you can see the size of the selected piece of truss. In this case because of the way it was drawn the "height" is the actual length of the truss. I am sure you could have worked that one out :P .

So to add a piece to the left of the selected truss all you would do is take its X position and add or subract 2 metres to or from it. so it is at 12.05 so next piece to the left would positioned at 10.05. The "Y" and "Z" positions would be the same. Remeber you can type in these boxes you do not need to use the up/down controls next to the input boxes. So just select the "X" input box and type 10.05.

You can create a folder and put all the truss in it and/or other stuff and then just click the truss folder to be able to select all objects objects inside the folder and then move them around.

Fixtures of the same type are already in a "folder", so they can be selected and moved in one go.

If you have access to the "FULL" version then you can create layers to put various object types on.

EDIT - Yes there is see post below - There is no "Grouping" feature that I am aware of in the visualiser so you need to do as you said use the CTRL key to select multiple items.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:09 am
by marc
Thanks again Andre

Is the full version then not included in my DVC 1024 gold package? Now I get the message that i'm using the limited version.


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:28 pm
by Andre
marc wrote:Thanks again Andre

Is the full version then not included in my DVC 1024 gold package? Now I get the message that i'm using the limited version.


If you have an interface that entitles you to use "FULL MODE" in the visualiser then ensure you have it connected before you start it as it checks for the type of interface you have then enables "FULL MODE" if allowed.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:49 am
by Andre
I am silly there is a "Group" feature in the software. As long as you have you interface connected so full mode is enabled, allows creating more than two layers.

In construction mode.
Create a new layer, add all the objects and fixtures you want to move as one into that layer.
Tick the "Group" tick box at the end of the layer. It is the one that is under the piece of chain link.
Move all those objects as one by clicking the layer or any object/fixture within the group and then using your normal method of moving and positioning.

You need to un-tick a "Group" to be able manipulate any individual objetct or fixture that within a "Group", but doing so will remove any rotations etc that you would have done. I find this a bit puzzling as you have to keep them in that layer and that layers "Group" ticked, so now you can only manipulate as a whole.