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Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:41 pm
by missionrec
I'm a newbie here, thank you for your patience :-)

I am trying to interface a DVC3GZM (firmware Rev 1.20) with an 18 yr old ETC system that is currently in use. I want to remove an ETC Expression 3 console and replace it with this product. We currently use one DMX universe.

I have installed a DMX amplifier/splitter to push the XLR 5 pin universe that works fine from the expression 3.

DVC out pushes the amplifier for the run back to 32 dimmer packs, 62 channels, of 18 year old ETC dimmer packs.

I patch all channels to 1 fader and send a full on to the house. Wait for it. Sometimes 20 seconds, one time 4 seconds, sometimes 3 minutes. Interesting. Turn the house off, wait for it. Similar lag times, and then to a slow fade to black.

Unplug DMX line, hook it back up to the Ex3, house comes back to normal.

Has anybody seen anything like this? Thank you again in advance[/img][/code]

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:23 pm
by simonB
Hi There

This could possible be a DMX timings problem.

-Open the hardware manager and write the slow DMX timings preset (from the DMX input/output tab). Does this help?
-Try moving the DMX output faders inside the hardware manager. Does this work?

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:54 pm
by missionrec
I'll try this ASAP and let you know.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:32 pm
by missionrec
That did it THANKS!!!!