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Daslight DVC3 Midi with doepfer usb64

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:19 pm
by DJ_PiKu
Hey guys,
i wanna build a own midi controller with the doepfer usb64.
1. is it working with it? do anyone know anything about this?
2. can i patch 2 midi channels to 1 dvc3 channel? (fader 1 + switch 1 is fading dmx channel 1/ fader 1 + switch 2 is fading dmx channel 2) [if, then]
or is there any software witch can do this?

thx and greetz

hey leute,
ich möchte mir ein eigenes midi pult mit dem doepfer usb64 bauen.
1. funktioniert es mit dvc3? hat irgentjemand schon erfahrung damit gemacht?
2. kann ich 2 midi eingänge auf ein dmx fader patchen? (fader 1 + schalter 1 soll dmx kanal 1 faden/ fader 1 + schalter 2 soll dmx kanal 2 faden) [nach dem wenn, dann prinzip]
oder gibt es eine software die mir das umstrukturiert?

vielen dank und grüße

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:11 pm
by DJ_PiKu
no support about dvc3 from the dvc3 support? thats sad...

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:33 pm
by simonB
Hi There

1. is it working with it? do anyone know anything about this?

I don't know about this.

. can i patch 2 midi channels to 1 dvc3 channel

This is not possible. You can only have 1 command per channel

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:09 pm
by DJ_PiKu
thx... bought a bcf 2000 now ;-) there i have enough possibilities to do something =D i like it and i can advise it... but if you have to program it before you can use it... =/