New feature asked !

The previous Daslight version

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New feature asked !

Post by goodastruff »

I wondering if it's possible to get the following feature in Daslight 4. When a scene is activated in a group, you cannot activate any other scene inside the group. Actually, when you click on a scene, you can configure the setting to release any other scene inside the group or outside (all). But we would like to manage scene and protect the group from hitting any other scene inside the group if a scene is already activated. For exemple, you have 1 group with 4 scenes (scene 1, 2, 3 and 4). If you activate scene 1, when you will hit/click/select the scene 2 (for exemple), the scene will not be activated because scene 1 is already ON. You have to deactivate (turn off) the scene 1 and after, you will be able to activate scene 2. I'm not sure if this is possible, but if not, I will be glad to see that feature coming in the next Beta version :O). Thank you very much for your answer and your opening !
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Re: New feature asked !

Post by Sps »

I do'nt get it. When you check a scene "Protect from release", you can start another scene in the same group without llosing the first scene!!!. Or I'm telling something developers should not be awared of......
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Re: New feature asked !

Post by goodastruff »

Hi, it's like a "protect from release", but you CANNOT start another scene in the same group. This is how it's work...

You turn ON scene 1
Scene 1 (ON)
Scene 2 (OFF)
Scene 3 (OFF)
Scene 4 (OFF)

If you want to turn scene 2 ON, daslight will block scene 2 to coming ON
Scene 1 (ON)
Scene 2 (OFF)
Scene 3 (OFF)
Scene 4 (OFF)

To activate scene 2, you have to first of all, turn OFF scene 1 (by pushing the button of the scene)
Scene 1 (OFF)
Scene 2 (OFF)
Scene 3 (OFF)
Scene 4 (OFF)

And after, you have to activate scene 2
Scene 1 (OFF)
Scene 2 (ON)
Scene 3 (OFF)
Scene 4 (OFF)

To make a resume, all scene must be OFF in the group to be able to activate a Scene in that group and 1 and only 1 scene can be activated in that kind of group at the same time. You will never have 2 scenes opened in the group at the same time.

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Re: New feature asked !

Post by Sps »

I have full license, and I can have multiple scenes in the same group active.
May-be you do'nt hav e full license??
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Re: New feature asked !

Post by goodastruff »

He He, I restart...
My question is about "New feature wanted", not about a problem or a way to configure the software.

You have
1 - The actual Daslight 4 software behaviors
2 - What I'm asking to add to the software (enable this feature).

I'm talking about the option 2. Why we want this feature (describe in the previous post), because we don't want to accidentally click on a scene in a group and shutdown a current running scene.

Do the developer of Daslight 4 want to add this feature in the next Beta release of the software ? In french : "Est-ce que les programmeurs de Daslight 4 veulent ajouter l'option décrite dans le post précédent dans la prochaine version Beta du logiciel ?"

Thanks for you help.
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Re: New feature asked !

Post by TomHat »


This is a great idea, which I'll add to our list of ideas for future versions (maybe Daslight 5 and up). We won't be able to add this to Daslight 4 unfortunately.

Sorry about that. Thanks alot for your feedback ! Have a good day.

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