Can I accomplish this with Daslight 5

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Can I accomplish this with Daslight 5

Post by seeu22 »

Hello All,

I'm a new user here and potentially a new customer for Daslight. I'm trying to determine if Daslight 5 can accomplish the following task;

First a little background. I play in a corporate cover band and we carry our own intelligent lighting rig with us. 16 led movers, Led pars, and led front wash. We currently are running an older computer based lighting controller called blue light X1. It has been effective for us, easy to use and powerful, but it is no longer supported and we need to upgrade our laptop, so the hunt is on for a new lighting controller. I'd like to stick to the computer based controllers.

Our show is synched to tracks which we also use to start/synch our lighting show. Currently when we start a track, it sends a midi command to the Bluelight X1 controller. This starts the Bluelight's internal "event list" at a specified time in the list. The event list is basically the lighting cues/program for that particular song.

Can I accomplish this with Daslight 5 using the Super Scene function?
iHow many Super Scenes can I store?

Can each Super Scene be individually triggered via midi?

How accurate is the synch? I'm assuming it'll be synched to the computers internal clock so replay should be consistent for each playback.

Finally, if there is better way to accomplish this, I'm all ears.

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Re: Can I accomplish this with Daslight 5

Post by willm »


I believe you should indeed be able to manage this via Super Scenes. Do address your main points:

- You can have an unlimited number of Super Scenes per project.
- Any individual scene or Super Scene can be triggered by MIDI.
- The synchronisation should be extremely accurate, we have had no known issues with this yet.

There are a few ways you could approach this with Daslight 5 which may make this whole process more flexible for you. For example, you could:

- Create your scenes at standard speed, then add them to Super Scenes and stretch the sene to the length that you need it to be for that song. This allows you to reuse scenes for different songs at different speeds and layer them with other scenes as required.
- Create a set of several Super Scenes for component of each song (e.g. one for verse, one for chorus, etc.), then set them to jump to the next relevant scene after x number of repeats (or for example, if you want a static light on in between songs, you can queue this also).
- Set the Super Scene to BPM mode, allowing you to adjust the speed in realtime according to the song (e.g. if you have a MIDI foot pedal to trigger the BPM tap)

Just to name a few things that might help you starting up. You can of course feel free to download the Daslight software for free to test this out in the software. Hope this helps!

Kind regards,
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