Dvc 4 Gold defekt - Daslight 5?

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Dvc 4 Gold defekt - Daslight 5?

Post by G4lileon »

English down below!

Hallo Daslight Team;
Bevor das ganze jetzt direkt in ein anderes Subforum verschoben wird, ich werde hier zwar erstmal ein Hardware Problem beschreiben, mir geht es aber um die Software.

Vor etwas weniger als einem Jahr habe ich via Reseller ein DVC 4 Gold erworben. Es lief, bis auf nach einem Firmware Update wo ein DMX invert 1/2 fälschlicherweise aktiviert wurde, immer problemlos. Das war aber schnell gelöst.
Letzte Woche über Nacht änderte sich das Ganze. Auf einmal ohne erkennbaren Grund hörte das Interface auf, DMX Signale zu senden. Ein neues Projekt zum testen mit nur einer Fixture, ein geladenes Backup des Projekt Files, nichts brachte die Lösung.
Also habe ich mich an den Händler (MusicStore in Köln) gewandt und nach Rücksprache das Interface dort eingesendet.
Was sich daraus ergibt, warte ich ab und wenn Interesse besteht würde ich ein Update auf Nachfrage geben.

Nun ist mein Problem, dass der MusicStore standardmäßig eine Bearbeitungszeit von 3-4 Wochen angibt. +Versandzeit. Das sind für mich bis zu ~5 Wochen in denen mein Licht nicht in vollem Umfang läuft. Wenn die angegebene Frist eingehalten wird.
Ich habe zwar noch ein altes analoges Pult aber
A) habe ich mehr Fixtures als das Pult bedienen kann und
B) habe ich mit dem Pult vielleicht 10-20 Abläufe durchprogrammiert und in Daslight mehr so 100-200.

Also steht für mich schon fast zu 100% fest, dass ich ein Fallback Interface benötige. In Betrachtung von Daslight 5 das hier schon öfter angesprochen wurde möchte ich nun aber nicht noch einmal 300€ für ein Gold Interface ausgeben, das mir im Nachhinein fast nichts mehr bringt. Kommt das Alte repariert zurück würde es nur noch im Schrank liegen und gesetzt den Fall Daslight 5 kommt 2020 oder 21 auf den Markt und ist nicht mit dem dvc4 Gold kompatibel hätte ich 2 alte Klötze die in den Schrank wandern würden die keinen Mehrwert mehr haben. Klar könnte ich weiter eine v4 Fallback Datei besitzen aber ein Fallback für den Fallback bräuchte ich dann auf keinen Fall mehr.

Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, würde sich das DVC4 Fun mit einem Full Ugrade da schon eher anbieten. Allerdings hat es ja nur den einen Ausgang. Der Schritt auf ein 500€ Gzm den hatte ich auch schon beim Wechsel von 3 auf 4 nicht in Betracht gezogen. 3000+ Kanäle, das wäre dann doch eigentlich zu viel des Guten.
Leider bewege ich mich nämlich genau an der Grenze um die 512 Kanäle. Kommt halt immer auf das genaue Fixturesetup an. Mal sind es etwas mehr als 512 mal etwas weniger.

Kaufe ich nun ein Fun mit 179 + 89 ~~ 268€ komme ich auf 512 Channel für die Zukunft naja.
Kaufe ich erneut ein Gold für 379€ habe ich 1024 Channel aber wahrscheinlich kein Daslight 5 und müsste für First und Fallback Device jeweils ein neues als Upgrade kaufen?! Auch naja.

Also stehe ich jetzt vor einer Entscheidung die ich gerne auf Basis dessen treffen würde, ob Daslight 5 innerhalb der nächsten 2 Jahre revolutionäre Features für mich mitbringt die mir entgehen würden.
(Virtuelle Gruppierung mit Masterfader für RGB-Dimm, Fixturegruppendimm, Fixturegruppenfarbmischung,Gobogruppierung,...; besseres Keyboard Input Handling; bessere Integration mit VDJ, Serato, Recordbox, Mixxx?; Zusätzliche Timesignatures 4/1, 8/1, ...; Custom Color Themes oder zumindest ein helles und ein dunkles; verbesserte Stabilität bei Bulkbearbeitungen (Daslight 4 ist grottenschlecht spätestens ab 15++ Schritten bei voller Channelbelegung und das liegt nicht an meinem i7-8700k 5GHz); Bei Gott bessere Übersetzungen und wenn sie aus der Community kommen; HighResScreen Support (Sry das ich 2,4K habe und die immer runterstellen muss ist 2019 einfach nicht mehr akzeptabel); etwas unempfindlicheres als MikroUSB fände ich auch nicht schlecht; und das ist das was mir innerhalb eines halben Tages eingefallen ist, wenn wir hier eine Sammlung aufmachen würden, bräuchte Daslight nur noch einen Requirements Engineer)

Leider wurde sich diesbezüglich bisher ja relativ bedeckt gehalten. Ich möchte jetzt hier auch keine komplette Roadmap präsentiert bekommen aber den "Thermomix Moment" möchte ich hier auch nicht erleben.
Gibt es bereits Fakten und Daten die mir bei der Entscheidung helfen könnten?


Hello, Daslight Team;
Before moving this thread directly to another subforum, I'll describe a hardware problem here, but I'm interested in the software.

Less than a year ago I bought a DVC 4 Gold via reseller. It ran without problems, except after a firmware update where a DMX invert 1/2 was wrongly activated. But that was quickly solved.
Last week overnight the whole thing changed. Suddenly for no apparent reason the interface stopped sending DMX signals. A new project to test with only one fixture, a loaded backup of the project file, nothing brought the solution.
So I contacted the reseller (MusicStore in Cologne) and sent in the interface after consultation.
I'll wait and see what happens and if you' re interested I'll give you an update on this request.

Now my problem is that the MusicStore has a default processing time of 3-4 weeks. +Shipping time. That's up to ~5 weeks for me in which my light doesn't run fully. If the specified deadline is met.
I still have an old analogue console but
A) I have more fixtures than the console can handle, and
B) I have programmed maybe 10-20 sequences with the console and in Daslight likely about 100-200.

So it's almost 100% clear to me that I need a fallback interface. In consideration of Daslight 5 which has been mentioned here several times I don't want to spend another 300€ for a gold interface, which doesn't bring me any more after the fact. If the old one comes back repaired it would only lie in the cabinet and set the case Daslight 5 comes 2020 or 21 on the market and is not compatible with the dvc4 Gold I would have 2 old bricks which would wander into the cabinet and have no more value. Of course I could still have a v4 fallback file but I wouldn't need a fallback for the fallback anymore.

If I understood that correctly, the DVC4 Fun with a Full Ugrade would be more suitable. However, it has only one output. The step to a 500€ Gzm is something that I had also not considered when changing from 3 to 4. 3000+ channels, that would be too much of a good thing.
Unfortunately I move exactly at the border around the 512 channels. Always depends on the exact fixture setup. Sometimes it is a little more than 512 times a little less.

If I buy now a Fun with 179 + 89 ~~ 268€ I get on 512 Channel for the future. Not well.
If I buy another gold for 379€ I have 1024 channel but probably no Daslight 5 and would have to buy a new one for first and fallback device as an upgrade! Also not well.

So I'm now faced with a decision I'd like to make based on whether Daslight 5 will bring revolutionary features to me in the next 2 years that I would miss.
(Virtual grouping with master fader for RGB dimming, fixture group dimming, fixture group color mixing, gobo grouping, ...; better keyboard input handling; better integration with VDJ, Serato, Recordbox, Mixxx?; additional Timesignatures 4/1, 8/1, ...; Custom Color Themes or at least a light and a dark one; improved stability for bulk editing (Daslight 4 is a huge mess from 15++ steps on with full channel assignment and that's not due to my i7-8700k 5GHz); by God better translations and if they come from the community; HighResScreen support (Sry that I have 2.4K display and always have to lower it down to 1080p; this is simply not acceptable in 2019); something less sensitive than MikroUSB I wouldn't mind either; and that's what I came up with in half a day, if we opened a collection here, Daslight would only need 1 requirements engineer to document all those wishes correctly)

Unfortunately, this has so far been kept relatively low profile. I don't want to get a complete roadmap presented here but I don't want to experience the "Thermomix Moment" here either.
Are there already facts and data that could help me with my decision?
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Re: Dvc 4 Gold defekt - Daslight 5?

Post by P-Low »


Thanks for the post, i've broken down your message and responded below:

“DVC 4 Gold … Suddenly for no apparent reason the interface stopped sending DMX signals. A new project to test with only one fixture, a loaded backup of the project file, nothing brought the solution.”

~You could also try using the 2nd port universe as a test to see if it is the DMX chip that is faulty, and you can also use hardware manager tool to adjust the faders manually and see if a basic connected fixture responds.

“MusicStore has a default processing time of 3-4 weeks. +Shipping time. That's up to ~5 weeks for me in which my light doesn't run fully. If the specified deadline is met.”

~In future, you can also contact Daslight support direct for an RMA as our times our usually quicker than this (depending on the courier service you use to send the device to our offices).

“I don't want to spend another 300€ for a gold interface”

~For reference, it is unlikely that the DVC4 Gold will be compatible, it may be that the DVC4 GZM is compatible as it is the flagship device, similar to only the DVC3 GZM being compatible with Daslight 4, but this is not confirmed. The DVC FUN will likely work as it is a SUT device, so this should be compatible with a Daslight 5 licence upgrade. As for the DVC4 Gold, it is unlikely this would be compatible with Daslight 5 as it is of old hardware and not a SUT device.

“If I understood that correctly, the DVC4 Fun with a Full Ugrade would be more suitable. However, it has only one output. The step to a 500€ Gzm is something that I had also not considered when changing from 3 to 4. 3000+ channels, that would be too much of a good thing.
Unfortunately I move exactly at the border around the 512 channels. Always depends on the exact fixture setup. Sometimes it is a little more than 512 times a little less.”

~Same answer as above, but new hardware is being developed for future software which I anticipate being very desirable to many users!

“If I buy now a Fun with 179 + 89 ~~ 268€ I get on 512 Channel for the future. Not well.
If I buy another gold for 379€ I have 1024 channel but probably no Daslight 5 and would have to buy a new one for first and fallback device as an upgrade! Also not well.”

~If you need a new device now, and your choice is either the DVC FUN or DVC4 Gold, I would advise the FUN as it is relatively low cost, and would advise upgrading the channels and then also to the full licence for 1 year of Daslight 4, and then see where Daslight 5 is along the development road map and decide then where to go with terms of upgrade and hardware. Whilst the DVC4 Gold is an excellent device, its compatibility with Daslight 5 is unknown, so I can’t advise for certain here.
~You could also of course purchase a Light Rider LR512, this uses a USB-C connection, has 2 XLR outputs, although it only has 512 channels currently, but it is a SUT device, so you can upgrade the channels to 1024 and use the 2nd universe in our computer software. It also has a Lifetime Light Rider licence, as well as a full 2year Daslight 4 licence.

“So I'm now faced with a decision I'd like to make based on whether Daslight 5 will bring revolutionary features to me in the next 2 years that I would miss.
(Virtual grouping with master fader for RGB dimming, fixture group dimming, fixture group color mixing, gobo grouping, ...; better keyboard input handling; better integration with VDJ, Serato, Recordbox, Mixxx?; additional Timesignatures 4/1, 8/1, ...; Custom Color Themes or at least a light and a dark one; improved stability for bulk editing (Daslight 4 is a huge mess from 15++ steps on with full channel assignment and that's not due to my i7-8700k 5GHz); by God better translations and if they come from the community; HighResScreen support (Sry that I have 2.4K display and always have to lower it down to 1080p; this is simply not acceptable in 2019); something less sensitive than MikroUSB I wouldn't mind either; and that's what I came up with in half a day, if we opened a collection here, Daslight would only need 1 requirements engineer to document all those wishes correctly)”

~We have a Daslight 5 ‘future ideas list’ and all of the above is on it, however we are yet to generate and confirm a finalised spec of features, so unable to comment currently.

“Are there already facts and data that could help me with my decision?”

~I can’t say anything more for certain other than what I have listed above. I think your best bet would be the LR512, as this gives you the most versatility, and future proof. But with either interfaces, we always have trade in offers available when new hardware is released.

Kind Regards
Daslight Technical Support
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Re: Dvc 4 Gold defekt - Daslight 5?

Post by G4lileon »

Thank you very much for this extensive answer.
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