Feature Request - Switch Scene on Flash Release

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Feature Request - Switch Scene on Flash Release

Post by KaratePyjamas »


I was experimenting with an artificial blinder mode at my local pub.
I managed to get the "blinder" to fade in and stay lit for "an infinite time" by make a simple fade in function and then setting the full on setting to be like 10 minutes long. Now this works as a flash button so as long as I keep it pressed it fades in and then stays at full power. Now I would like it to fade out after I release the button. However so far there is no option to trigger the "fade out" scene on the flash button release. It would be nice to have the option to run an effect as long as you hold down a button and then switch to a different scene on release.

Would it be possible to add such a function in a future release? I personally have a bunch of ideas that would become possible with such a mode.

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Re: Feature Request - Switch Scene on Flash Release

Post by PolDavril »

Hello KPJ,

In the example attached, in the "Loop2" group : the first scene fades the blinders in & out, and with an infinite loop.
The second scene has a first step that waits for the end of the fade out of the blinders (hold time = same as fade out time).
Here, the blinders do fade out before the next scene actually starts.

In the "Loop1" group, the next scene starts immediately.

Hope this helps.
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Pol Davril
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Daslight 4 - Version Jan 13 2020
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Re: Feature Request - Switch Scene on Flash Release

Post by KaratePyjamas »

I will take the project file with me and test it out. At the moment a dry test at home without any lights is not giving me the right results. Perhaps my understanding is lacking. I hope I haven't caused confusion by saying blinder, because the lights are actually LED pars, I want to fake the blinder effect. So a fade in to full power while I press down a flash button and a fade out on it's release. I thought about switching scenes but it's not giving me the right results as of now. I still appreciate the help though :)
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